It's just a game, it's supposed to be fun! At the end of the day you can be a millionaire on Howrse, have great rankings, champion horses, loads of passes, BM's and other stuff, but in the real world it all means absolutely nothing. Zero, zilch, nada. So just enjoy yourself, it's what games are for. ced83a1ec20d9f7b45a8c537f1ccdf3c.png

Breeding high GP Quarter Horses, and playing around with lots of other breeds. No, I don't usually sell my horses, I keep them and age them out. Any covers or sales will be put out publicly. 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png

I will try to avoid comps with other horses in when I'm blupping QH, or put fillers in to get them out of the way, but if you can't be bothered to fill your comps I'm not either.

I am an adult player, but I don't bite, feel free to pm me, I may not find time to answer all messages. 

I do accept friend requests, but impolite behaviour won't be tolerated. If you have not been online for more than 30 days I will delete you from the list.

I will buy some BM items, at the moment I'm mostly looking for 
Morpheus Arms
Zeus Lightning Bolt
Fertility Wand
Hera Pack

Will also consider
Golden Apples
Hypnos Blanket
Other breeding items 
Luck items

PM me with details of item and price or what you are hoping to trade for.