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Moderation : Cloud333, dragoniys

I had started the tutorial for the Grand Prix but opened the horn of plenty to get a Divine, the tutorial ended, what happened?

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usually the tutorial would tell you to open a horn of plenty where you'd be guaranteed to get a grand prix bonus. You might have triggered this a little early ^^

There also is a section in the breeders manual about the grand prix, which might explain it better than I would: (in case you still need some explainations)
You can enter horses at their private page where you take care of them. The grand prix icon appears at the competitions part if
* your horse is old enough
* your horse is specialised and equipped
* you haven't entered the maximum amount of participants for this competition already

If there are any bugs because you rushed through the tutorial about this, you might have to contact the support (at contact us at the bottom of the page), since players can't help you with these.