The breeder's manual

7.1 - User-generated content

The Creation Space is a place where you can propose illustrations to be used on Howrse and win passes if they win the vote.

These illustrations may be horse coats for the Golden Apple or landscapes for the Helios' Ray.

The Creation Space is for all languages (English, German, French...). That means if you propose an illustration and it wins the vote, it will be available in all languages.

7.1.2 - How it works

The selection process takes place every month, and follows a specific procedure. This month:

  1. Proposing illustrations

    1st March 00:00 » 5th March 23:59

    Everyone can propose illustrations using the Black Pearl

  2. Voting

    6th March 00:00 » 14th March 23:59

    Players of all languages vote on the illustrations once they have been validated

  3. Selection

    The most popular illustrations are selected and sorted by category

  4. Publishing

    26th March 21:00

    The selected illustrations are published online in each of the site's languages

7.1.3 - Rewards

Proposing illustrations can be quite lucrative! The day an illustration is published, each illustration earns its author:

  • 10,000 equus
  • Different numbers of passes for different types of illustration:
    • pommeor4,000 4000 passes for a Golden Apple coat with no limitation on the number of uses and 2,000 2000 passes for a coat with a limited number of uses.
    • rayonhelios3,000 3000 passes for a Helios' Ray landscape

After voting, if your illustration is not selected, you will be reimbursed the passes you spent proposing it.