The equestrian centre's manual

2.5 - The competition

You can organise competitions in your equestrian centre. When the top-ranking horses on Howrse join in your competitions, your centre's prestige increases!

You can set different parameters to determine which horses will have access to your competition.

Each competition requires 5 participants. They will start automatically a few minutes after the registration closing date. Registrations will open again from 1 to 24 hours after their last edition, depending on the type of competition. As long as there are no horses registered, you can modify the minimum level or the course of your competitions from the competitions page in the Equestrian Center menu. If your competition has not been run within five days of a participant's registration, you will be able to modify it again.

2.5.2 - Classical Riding Competitions

If your equestrian centre specialises in Classical Riding, you can organise:

  • speed races (trot or gallop)
  • cross-country competitions
  • show-jumping competitions
  • dressage competitions

When organising cross-country, showjumping and dressage competitions, before any horses can register, the difficulty of the courses you build must meet the minimum levels in stamina for cross-country competitions, jumping for show jumping competitions, and dressage for dressage competitions.

When you create your equestrian centre you receive a small race track you can use to schedule one speed race per day. You can purchase a second one from the competitions page later. Each equestrian centre can have up to 2 race tracks. To earn optimum prestige, you need to organise 2 races and therefore have 2 race tracks.

2.5.3 - Western Riding Competitions

If your equestrian centre specialises in Western Riding, you can organise:

  • barrel racing competitions
  • cutting competitions
  • trail class competitions
  • western pleasure competitions

When organising reining and trail class competitions, before any horses can register, the difficulty of the courses you build must meet the minimum levels in galloping for reining competitions and dressage for trail class competitions.

Organizing a cutting competition requires calves when creating or editing your competition. When you create a competition you receive your first calf for free. The number of calves determines the minimum stamina requirement for horses that register.

2.5.4 - Competitions for low-level horses

You can make reservations for competitions open to low-level horses. Your competitions will gain more prestige than those which are at the same level and open to all horses, and you'll win 500 Equus every time your competitions for low-level horses take place.

Low-level horses are horses that:

  • have less than 20 wins
  • have no skills over 2830
  • which have no skills with a genetic potential over 3990

This value is recalculated every night.