1 - Create and manage1.1 - General information1.2 - Location1.3 - Store1.4 - Box1.5 - Meadows1.6 - Workshops2 - Prosperity2.1 - Boarders2.2 - Benefits2.3 - Enhancements2.4 - Missions2.5 - Competitions2.6 - Employees3 - Reputation3.1 - Page3.2 - Prestige3.3 - Rankings3.4 - Rosettes
1.2 - Choosing a locationWhen creating your equestrian center, you must choose where you want to locate it. There are three possible locations:ForestMountainBeachYour boarders will progress faster during certain rides depending on the location of your equestrian center:during forest rides if your center is located in the forestduring beach rides if your center is located on the beachduring mountain rides if your center is located on the mountainAlso, each equestrian centre location comes with a specific resource that you can obtain from the missions completed by your boarders. These resources will allow you to craft most items sold at the shop.LocationResourcesForestWoodMountainIronBeachSand