Hi, I'm Maer! I'll return congratulations whenever I can and accept friend requests. I'm not on very often these days but I try to get on at least once a week :)

I am an adult player, so if you are not, please get permission from your parent or guardian before you message me, even if it is about the game.

ISO / Looking for...
female Welsh unicorn any GP, will pay 200 passes for a foal, more for higher age & BLUP. 

dailies: Xanthos 1 | Xanthos 2 | Xanthos 3 | Xanthos 4 | Xanthos 5
Frost | Topaz 1 | Topaz 2 | Topaz 3 | Topaz 4 | Topaz 5 | Archimedes

joy log
day 77 -- first 100 BLUP horse is Lamanche, a purchased horse. this is not quite from a foal, but I trained and comped the horse myself.