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Moderation : Cloud333, dragoniys

What's the minimum amount of skills a horse has to have to win a rosette?

1 answer12 views
technically there is no minimum of skills. The restriction comes by how a competition gains its rosette.
A competition can have a rosette when the competition prestige is 75% or higher. The competition prestige is calculated by the prestige of the previous editions, which is based on the skills of the registered horses.
So, usually, a competition with a rosette is set to 75%+ difficulty, so your horse might have to have >75% of the best horse ingame in the main skill of the competition. Also don't forget that it still has to be better than the other 4 horses in that competition. A horse only wins a rosette when it finishes 1st place in a rosette competition. (except the divine "Gullfaxi" which just has to join)